Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

tugasss versi inggris

NPM 15211196



1.   simple present
He said, “I go to school every day.”
2.    simple past
He said, “I went to school every day.”
3.    present perfect
He said, “I have gone to school every day.”
4.    present progressive
He said, “I am going to school every day.”
5.    past progressive
He said, “I was going to school every day.”
6.    future (will)
He said, “I will go to school every day.”
7.    future (going to)
He said, “I am going to school every day.”

a.    simple past
He said (that) he went to school every day.

b.    past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
c.    past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day.
d.    perfect progressive
He said (that) he had been going to school every day
e.    simple past
He asked me if I went to school every day.*
Hasked me where I went to school.

Direct : She says to her friend, ” I have been writing “.

Indirect : She says to her friend that he has been writing. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She has told you, ” I am reading “.

Indirect : She has told you that he is reading. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She will say, ” You have done wrongly “.

Indirect : She will tell you that you have done wrongly. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She will say,” The boy wasn’t lazy “.

Indirect : She will tell them that the boy wasn’t lazy. (tidak berubah)



Writing I


JAKARTA, - Economic Observer Padjadjaran University,
Bandung, Nature Wibowo, prompting the government immediately announced
an increase in subsidized fuel prices. It aims to prevent the domino
effect of price increases drag.

"At present, basic food prices began to adjust," said the nature of
the discussion of fuel in Jakarta, Saturday (03/17/2012).

Meanwhile, an energy analyst DIRGO W Purbo said he can understand the
intention of the government hiked subsidized fuel prices. DIRGO see
beyond the fairness of the government's intentions. According DIRGO,
the ability of the relevant government targets ready to sell crude oil
production (lifting) at 900,000 barrels per day below the same period
of the 1970s.

"In that era, Indonesia's population of about 70 million people.
Indonesia remains a net exporter of oil and gas. Today the population
of Indonesia reached 230 million. With the same volume, how to turn
the country with a population of more than tripled over? I see a
reasonableness, "said DIRGO.

Previously, the government filed a proposed increase in the price of
subsidized fuel Rp 1,500 per liter in the draft 2012 Budget Amendment.

Writing II

Economic Crisis
Crisis Could Hit Indonesia Year 2012
Solar / dodo hawe Former Coordinating Minister for Economy and Finance
Minister, President Gus Dur era, Dr Rizal Ramli.


   * BI: Export Indonesia must Kena Crisis, but ...
   * BI: There are Three Things that need to be observed
   * Asked to Share Overcome Crisis Indonesia
   * Crisis Not Affect European Education
   * Until 2014, The Crisis Affected Vulnerable

JAKARTA, - Indonesia could be hit by the economic crisis
ever experienced sedahsyat this country in 1997, due to the debt
crisis in Europe and the United States.
The number of inflows of hot money circulating alias in Indonesia five
times higher than in 1997. Tightening of liquidity in European
countries, as a drug debt crisis some EU member states, could make hot
money in Indonesia pulled out.
Continues to experience a slowdown in exports due to the crisis in
Europe and the United States also will push the exchange rate. In
turn, the debt crisis in Europe will impact on the economy of
Former Minister of Economy, Rizal Ramli, in Jakarta, Tuesday
(11/15/2011), in predicting the crisis hit Indonesia in the European
debt crisis will be felt in the first quarter of 2012.
Rizal said the government's official explanation that Indonesia would
not be affected by the crisis must be addressed carefully. The problem
is, the crisis in 1997 also due to various signals melenakan
government crisis.
"The official explanation of government, Indonesia will be subject to
baseball crisis Indonesia economy and strong economic fundamentals,"
he said. "Statements like this are the same as in 1997-1998 revealed
that Indonesia's economic fundamentals strong, large foreign exchange
reserves. I think we should be careful because of the huge foreign
exchange reserves are not wholly owned by the government."
Rizal said Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves of 110 billion
dollars, the government had at most only a quarter. The rest is owned
by the private sector.
"We're embracing the superbebas foreign exchange system. If anything,
this is definitely a phone bank private sector so that the money sent
abroad. Well now, the amount of hot money hot money or five times that
of 1998," said Rizal.
Unfortunately, according to Rizal, the government is not able to
reform the bureaucracy so that no change in bureaucratic culture.
"Bureaucracy is still an obstacle. Whose name is not hot money had
turned into a cold money, money is cool. Ideally, the hot money was
cold so the money is converted into the real sector investment," he
Rizal pointed out, the signal is actually the crisis had begun. "Slow
down Indonesia's exports have started to slow down, and it also
happens in other countries. China alone is great because it has begun
to slow down the two economic giants, Europe and the U.S., a
slowdown," he said.
Debt crisis in Europe, according to Rizal, can be seen from two
things. Its effects through two mechanisms. "One, export mechanism.
Indonesia's exports began to slow in 2012. Unfortunately our imports
continued to rise higher. Consequently, the surplus in balance of
payments and transactions run faster and smaller. That will put
pressure on the rupiah," said Rizal.
Second, he argues, through the financial mechanism. "Since the crisis,
Europe is tightening liquidity and monetary sectors. That way, they
would not want to attract investments in their portfolio in
Indonesia," he said.


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the Democrats became the party
most to blame for raising the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy.
However, the program of direct cash assistance (BLT) were able to
salvage the image of Yudhoyono and party cultivated.
This is the conclusion of the survey the Indonesian Survey Institute
(LSI), which was released in Jakarta, yesterday. The survey was
conducted from 5-8 March 2012 to 440 respondents. According to Adjie
Alfaraby, LSI researchers, a survey using multistage random sampling
with a margin of error of about 4.8 percent.
Adjie explained 86.6 percent of respondents refused if the government
raised subsidized fuel prices. 11.26 percent agreed, and 2.14 percent
did not answer. The party most to blame for raising the price of
subsidized fuel in the category of character is SBY (34.06 percent),
followed by the House of Representatives (30.79 percent), the Minister
of Energy and Mineral Resources (17.71 percent), and another 3.54
percent. The rest, amounting to 13.9 percent did not answer.
Of the party, 54.2 percent of respondents would blame the Democrats if
the price of subsidized fuel to be raised. Party coalition blamed only
11.5 percent of respondents. The rest, 34.1 percent of respondents did
not answer.
Raising the price of subsidized fuel to Rp6.000 per liter will
commence from 1 April. The Government has prepared a compensation for
raising the price of subsidized fuel a BLT at Rp25, 6 trillion. Based
on the financial memorandum that the government presented to
Parliament, BLT disbursed Rp150 thousand per month for a single target
households for nine months. Minded beggar
LSI is based on survey results, Yudhoyono and the Democratic Party is
a party to the biggest political profiteering on BLT program. They are
regarded as the most meritorious.
The survey results indicate if the BLT program disbursed, 53.74
percent of respondents said Yudhoyono as the party who contributed.
The next sequence is the Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa (19.25
percent), 16.09 percent did not answer, and 10.92 percent mentioned a
number of other figures.
Profits are also obtains the Democratic Party. A total of 54.36 per
cent of respondents said the Democratic Party as the most meritorious
if BLT disbursed. As many as 25 percent of respondents did not answer
and only 25.64 percent of respondents said that other parties are
meritorious. "The party coalition did not even get the benefit of the
BLT program," said Adjie.
When contacted separately, yesterday, Gadjah Mada University economist
Sri Adiningsih assess the BLT program would encourage the poor to
become mentally lazy and beggars.
He explained, by raising the price of subsidized fuel by Rp1.500 per
liter, there is a saving of around Rp38 trillion. Fund savings of
that, he said, could be used untukprogram-productive and
labor-intensive program. BLT provision, according to Sri, did not make
a smart and productive society.

Writing IV


The monetary crisis that hit ASEAN countries, including
Indonesia, have caused damage to the joints of the economy
nationwide. Financial crisis resulted in imported inflation
as a result of sharply terdepresiasinya exchange rate
against foreign currencies, which in turn lead to pressure
severe inflation for Indonesia.

The phenomenon of inflation in Indonesia was not solely
is a short term phenomenon and that there are
situational, but just as common in countries
other emerging, the problem of inflation in Indonesia more
on long-term inflation problem because it is still the presence of
structural constraints in the economy of the country. With
Thus, the improvement of Indonesia's inflation problem is not enough
performed using only monetary instruments,
are generally short term, but also by doing
improvements in the real sector, the main target is to eliminate
structural barriers that exist in the economy nasional.Seperti was the
case in developing countries in general,
the phenomenon of inflation in Indonesia is still one of the various
"diseases" of the economy
macro that governments especially troubling for the community. Indeed, before
end of the New Order regime (before the financial crisis) the annual
inflation rate can be reduced to a single digit, but in general still contains
vulnerability if it is seen how large percentage of community groups
the poor who suffer due to inflation. Much more after the
the continuing financial crisis followed by economic crisis, which
become one of the causes of the fall of the New Order government, the
inflation rate,tends to increase rapidly (reaching more than 75% in 1998), and
compounded by the growing percentage of the poor segments of society.
That is to say, that although the inflation rate in Indonesia
termasukdalam high category, but by reviewing the percentage of
community groups,the economy suffering from inflation big enough, it can actually
said that inflation in Indonesia has entered the early stages of hyperinflation.
As in the case which is common in countries - developing countries,
inflation in Indonesia is relatively more often caused by things that are
structural economic when compared with things that are monetary
policies. That is to say, that the influence of cosh push inflation over
greater than demand pull inflation.
Indeed, in a certain period of years, for example at the time of the oil
booming, inflationary pressure in Indonesia due to the increased amount of money
outstanding. But it can not ignore the influence of the
economy are structural, for the period, is still a gap
between aggregate supply with aggregate demand, for example in the sub sector
agriculture, which can increase the degree of inflation.
In general, the Indonesian government more use of approach
denominated in an effort to control the general price level.
Government of Indonesia
prefer to use monetary instruments as a means to curb inflation,
for example, by open market mechanism or the reserve requirement. But need

remember, that the monetary approach is more widely used to tackle inflation

in the short term, and very well implemented impositions countries that have

advanced economies, rather than in developing countries that still have

structural bottleneck. So, if the monetary approach is used as a tool

primary in controlling inflation in developing countries, it will not be able to

resolve the problem of inflation in developing countries are generally

panjang.Seperti term was the case in Indonesia during the monetary crisis

further into an economic crisis, inflation in Indonesia triggered by
rising prices

commodity imports (imported inflation) and ballooning foreign debt
akibatdari terdepresiasinya the rupiah against the U.S. dollar and

other foreigners. Consequently, in order to contain inflationary
pressures, the first

first be made stabilizing the rupiah against foreign currencies,

particular dollar exchange rate stabilizes Amerika.Dalam, Indonesia
tends to be more banyakmemainkan government monetary instruments over
monetary authorities with tight money policyyang expected in addition
to attracting the interest of holders of foreign exchange for

invest their capital into Indonesia through deposits, can also stabilize

price level umum.Tight money policy carried out by SBI raised interest
rates (through open market mechanism) is very high, on the one hand to
be effective

to reduce the money suplly, but on the other hand will increase the
interest rate

credit to the real sector. As a result, will cause cost push inflation

because of the interest rate-price spiral. If the interest rate (deposit)

banks are too high, so the productive funds (funds to produce

or tried to) in the community were absorbed into the banking system, it will

can lead to stagnation or even decline in manufacturing output

national (called by Cavallo effect). More so when it comes to going
negative spread

the national banking world, then not only cause damage to the

the real sector, but also damage to the national banking industry
(monetary sector).

If this policy continues to be done by the government within a period

medium or long term, there will be economic depression, resulting in structures

national economy will be damaged.

If so, then the best policy to curb inflation

not only done through the concept of the moneterist alone, but also with

attention to the structuralist perspective, looking at the need for more

overcome the structural barriers that exist.

Based on the various barriers to economic development

Indonesia that has been mentioned above, it is necessary efforts


Writing V

Indonesia's economic growth in 2012

The World Bank estimates that Indonesia's economic growth in 2012
amounted to only 6.3 percent, lower than the projection for 2011 of
6.4 percent.

"One of the factors influencing this growth is slowing global economic
slump," said World Bank economist Representatives of Indonesia,
Shubham Chaudhuri, the Institute for Public Policy Paramadina Tuesday.

According to him, Indonesia's financial markets are not immune to
external shocks. But Indonesia continued to show strong economic
performance in the midst of many countries around the world are
experiencing a sharp decline in the fiscal position and balance sheet
of the private sector since 2008.

Shubham further said Indonesia's macroeconomic fundamentals are solid
major defense in the face of ongoing market turmoil.

According to him, it is important for Indonesia to take steps to
improve the resilience of the global financial market turbulence,
including the avoidance of uncertainty in the policy.

The World Bank has lowered its 2012 economic growth rate of 6.7
percent to 6.3 percent in June 2011 due to weaker economic growth in
the countries main trading partner and commodity prices.

However, according to Shubham, this figure still puts Indonesia's
economy in a strong position.

"Currently, the World Bank scenario, the calculation is not necessary
emergency," said Shubham.

However, according to him, as a preparation to face the crisis
scenario there are some important things you can do, among others,
review the crisis management protocols, especially in the financial
sector, considering the financing of the budget for the unexpected,
and prepare emergency plans in the form of fiscal stimulus.

In the pessimistic scenario, including if the international financial
crisis and weakening external demand, the World Bank projected the
economic growth of Indonesia in 2012 will drop to just 5.5 percent.

While in the extreme scenario where the crisis led to significantly
lower global growth and India and China are also facing large growth,
then Indonesia's economic growth will decline sharply in 2012 but
still above the four percent.

Article VI

Journalists report, Andri Malau

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Minister of Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa
ordinator considers legitimate rejection of protests voiced at the
discretion of the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy.

"I think it's normal in a democracy, all orderly, not anarchists, we
also should not overreact," said Hatta said the Vice Presidential
Palace complex, Jakarta, Friday (16/03/2012) afternoon.

Hatta asserted is the duty of government to provide explanations to
the public that the policy taken by the government raised fuel prices
aimed at saving the national economy.

"Because it's part of the government's job is to explain to my friends
that demo. This is actually a good government program in order to save
the national economy. In order to maintain our growth momentum while
also protecting our society is weak, affected by the direct
assistance, providing

scholarships, including transportation and so on, "he explains.

Stressed importance to the government both at central and regional
levels to provide socialization. "The state of democracy in this world
there is always a demo and the demo can not be used as an important
reason so orderly, and up until the destination or expression, and we
listen. If you can engage in dialogue, even better."

Related to the supply of fuel subsidy policy towards the rise in fuel
prices as of 1 April, Hatta ensure the safe. "Safe, safe," Hatta gives
certainty, that there is no problem.

Related to the discovery of a number of parties who do penimpunan fuel
ahead of the increase in fuel subsidies, Hatta strongly urged that the
perpetrators be dealt with firmly. "Hoarding action," he told


NPM 15211196



1.   simple present
He said, “I go to school every day.”
2.    simple past
He said, “I went to school every day.”
3.    present perfect
He said, “I have gone to school every day.”
4.    present progressive
He said, “I am going to school every day.”
5.    past progressive
He said, “I was going to school every day.”
6.    future (will)
He said, “I will go to school every day.”
7.    future (going to)
He said, “I am going to school every day.”

a.    simple past
He said (that) he went to school every day.

b.    past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
c.    past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day.
d.    perfect progressive
He said (that) he had been going to school every day
e.    simple past
He asked me if I went to school every day.*
Hasked me where I went to school.

Direct : She says to her friend, ” I have been writing “.

Indirect : She says to her friend that he has been writing. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She has told you, ” I am reading “.

Indirect : She has told you that he is reading. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She will say, ” You have done wrongly “.

Indirect : She will tell you that you have done wrongly. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She will say,” The boy wasn’t lazy “.

Indirect : She will tell them that the boy wasn’t lazy. (tidak berubah)



Writing I


JAKARTA, - Economic Observer Padjadjaran University,
Bandung, Nature Wibowo, prompting the government immediately announced
an increase in subsidized fuel prices. It aims to prevent the domino
effect of price increases drag.

"At present, basic food prices began to adjust," said the nature of
the discussion of fuel in Jakarta, Saturday (03/17/2012).

Meanwhile, an energy analyst DIRGO W Purbo said he can understand the
intention of the government hiked subsidized fuel prices. DIRGO see
beyond the fairness of the government's intentions. According DIRGO,
the ability of the relevant government targets ready to sell crude oil
production (lifting) at 900,000 barrels per day below the same period
of the 1970s.

"In that era, Indonesia's population of about 70 million people.
Indonesia remains a net exporter of oil and gas. Today the population
of Indonesia reached 230 million. With the same volume, how to turn
the country with a population of more than tripled over? I see a
reasonableness, "said DIRGO.

Previously, the government filed a proposed increase in the price of
subsidized fuel Rp 1,500 per liter in the draft 2012 Budget Amendment.

Writing II

Economic Crisis

Crisis Could Hit Indonesia Year 2012

Solar / dodo hawe Former Coordinating Minister for Economy and Finance
Minister, President Gus Dur era, Dr Rizal Ramli.



   * BI: Export Indonesia must Kena Crisis, but ...
   * BI: There are Three Things that need to be observed
   * Asked to Share Overcome Crisis Indonesia
   * Crisis Not Affect European Education
   * Until 2014, The Crisis Affected Vulnerable

JAKARTA, - Indonesia could be hit by the economic crisis
ever experienced sedahsyat this country in 1997, due to the debt
crisis in Europe and the United States.

The number of inflows of hot money circulating alias in Indonesia five
times higher than in 1997. Tightening of liquidity in European
countries, as a drug debt crisis some EU member states, could make hot
money in Indonesia pulled out.

Continues to experience a slowdown in exports due to the crisis in
Europe and the United States also will push the exchange rate. In
turn, the debt crisis in Europe will impact on the economy of

Former Minister of Economy, Rizal Ramli, in Jakarta, Tuesday
(11/15/2011), in predicting the crisis hit Indonesia in the European
debt crisis will be felt in the first quarter of 2012.

Rizal said the government's official explanation that Indonesia would
not be affected by the crisis must be addressed carefully. The problem
is, the crisis in 1997 also due to various signals melenakan
government crisis.

"The official explanation of government, Indonesia will be subject to
baseball crisis Indonesia economy and strong economic fundamentals,"
he said. "Statements like this are the same as in 1997-1998 revealed
that Indonesia's economic fundamentals strong, large foreign exchange
reserves. I think we should be careful because of the huge foreign
exchange reserves are not wholly owned by the government."

Rizal said Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves of 110 billion
dollars, the government had at most only a quarter. The rest is owned
by the private sector.

"We're embracing the superbebas foreign exchange system. If anything,
this is definitely a phone bank private sector so that the money sent
abroad. Well now, the amount of hot money hot money or five times that
of 1998," said Rizal.

Unfortunately, according to Rizal, the government is not able to
reform the bureaucracy so that no change in bureaucratic culture.

"Bureaucracy is still an obstacle. Whose name is not hot money had
turned into a cold money, money is cool. Ideally, the hot money was
cold so the money is converted into the real sector investment," he

Rizal pointed out, the signal is actually the crisis had begun. "Slow
down Indonesia's exports have started to slow down, and it also
happens in other countries. China alone is great because it has begun
to slow down the two economic giants, Europe and the U.S., a
slowdown," he said.

Debt crisis in Europe, according to Rizal, can be seen from two
things. Its effects through two mechanisms. "One, export mechanism.
Indonesia's exports began to slow in 2012. Unfortunately our imports
continued to rise higher. Consequently, the surplus in balance of
payments and transactions run faster and smaller. That will put
pressure on the rupiah," said Rizal.

Second, he argues, through the financial mechanism. "Since the crisis,
Europe is tightening liquidity and monetary sectors. That way, they
would not want to attract investments in their portfolio in
Indonesia," he said.


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the Democrats became the party
most to blame for raising the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy.
However, the program of direct cash assistance (BLT) were able to
salvage the image of Yudhoyono and party cultivated.

This is the conclusion of the survey the Indonesian Survey Institute
(LSI), which was released in Jakarta, yesterday. The survey was
conducted from 5-8 March 2012 to 440 respondents. According to Adjie
Alfaraby, LSI researchers, a survey using multistage random sampling
with a margin of error of about 4.8 percent.

Adjie explained 86.6 percent of respondents refused if the government
raised subsidized fuel prices. 11.26 percent agreed, and 2.14 percent
did not answer. The party most to blame for raising the price of
subsidized fuel in the category of character is SBY (34.06 percent),
followed by the House of Representatives (30.79 percent), the Minister
of Energy and Mineral Resources (17.71 percent), and another 3.54
percent. The rest, amounting to 13.9 percent did not answer.

Of the party, 54.2 percent of respondents would blame the Democrats if
the price of subsidized fuel to be raised. Party coalition blamed only
11.5 percent of respondents. The rest, 34.1 percent of respondents did
not answer.

Raising the price of subsidized fuel to Rp6.000 per liter will
commence from 1 April. The Government has prepared a compensation for
raising the price of subsidized fuel a BLT at Rp25, 6 trillion. Based
on the financial memorandum that the government presented to
Parliament, BLT disbursed Rp150 thousand per month for a single target
households for nine months.

Minded beggar

LSI is based on survey results, Yudhoyono and the Democratic Party is
a party to the biggest political profiteering on BLT program. They are
regarded as the most meritorious.

The survey results indicate if the BLT program disbursed, 53.74
percent of respondents said Yudhoyono as the party who contributed.
The next sequence is the Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa (19.25
percent), 16.09 percent did not answer, and 10.92 percent mentioned a
number of other figures.

Profits are also obtains the Democratic Party. A total of 54.36 per
cent of respondents said the Democratic Party as the most meritorious
if BLT disbursed. As many as 25 percent of respondents did not answer
and only 25.64 percent of respondents said that other parties are
meritorious. "The party coalition did not even get the benefit of the
BLT program," said Adjie.

When contacted separately, yesterday, Gadjah Mada University economist
Sri Adiningsih assess the BLT program would encourage the poor to
become mentally lazy and beggars.

He explained, by raising the price of subsidized fuel by Rp1.500 per
liter, there is a saving of around Rp38 trillion. Fund savings of
that, he said, could be used untukprogram-productive and
labor-intensive program. BLT provision, according to Sri, did not make
a smart and productive society.

Writing IV


The monetary crisis that hit ASEAN countries, including

Indonesia, have caused damage to the joints of the economy

nationwide. Financial crisis resulted in imported inflation

as a result of sharply terdepresiasinya exchange rate

against foreign currencies, which in turn lead to pressure

severe inflation for Indonesia.

The phenomenon of inflation in Indonesia was not solely

is a short term phenomenon and that there are

situational, but just as common in countries

other emerging, the problem of inflation in Indonesia more

on long-term inflation problem because it is still the presence of

structural constraints in the economy of the country. With

Thus, the improvement of Indonesia's inflation problem is not enough

performed using only monetary instruments,

are generally short term, but also by doing

improvements in the real sector, the main target is to eliminate

structural barriers that exist in the economy nasional.Seperti was the
case in developing countries in general,

the phenomenon of inflation in Indonesia is still one of the various
"diseases" of the economy

macro that governments especially troubling for the community. Indeed, before

end of the New Order regime (before the financial crisis) the annual
inflation rate

can be reduced to a single digit, but in general still contains

vulnerability if it is seen how large percentage of community groups

the poor who suffer due to inflation. Much more after the

the continuing financial crisis followed by economic crisis, which

become one of the causes of the fall of the New Order government, the
inflation rate

tends to increase rapidly (reaching more than 75% in 1998), and

compounded by the growing percentage of the poor segments of society.

That is to say, that although the inflation rate in Indonesia
termasukdalam high category, but by reviewing the percentage of
community groups

the economy suffering from inflation big enough, it can actually

said that inflation in Indonesia has entered the early stages of


As in the case which is common in countries - developing countries,

inflation in Indonesia is relatively more often caused by things that are

structural economic when compared with things that are monetary

policies. That is to say, that the influence of cosh push inflation over

greater than demand pull inflation.

Indeed, in a certain period of years, for example at the time of the oil

booming, inflationary pressure in Indonesia due to the increased amount of money

outstanding. But it can not ignore the influence of the

economy are structural, for the period, is still a gap

between aggregate supply with aggregate demand, for example in the sub sector

agriculture, which can increase the degree of inflation.

In general, the Indonesian government more use of approach

denominated in an effort to control the general price level.
Government of Indonesia

prefer to use monetary instruments as a means to curb inflation,

for example, by open market mechanism or the reserve requirement. But need

remember, that the monetary approach is more widely used to tackle inflation

in the short term, and very well implemented impositions countries that have

advanced economies, rather than in developing countries that still have

structural bottleneck. So, if the monetary approach is used as a tool

primary in controlling inflation in developing countries, it will not be able to

resolve the problem of inflation in developing countries are generally

panjang.Seperti term was the case in Indonesia during the monetary crisis

further into an economic crisis, inflation in Indonesia triggered by
rising prices

commodity imports (imported inflation) and ballooning foreign debt
akibatdari terdepresiasinya the rupiah against the U.S. dollar and

other foreigners. Consequently, in order to contain inflationary
pressures, the first

first be made stabilizing the rupiah against foreign currencies,

particular dollar exchange rate stabilizes Amerika.Dalam, Indonesia
tends to be more banyakmemainkan government monetary instruments over
monetary authorities with tight money policyyang expected in addition
to attracting the interest of holders of foreign exchange for

invest their capital into Indonesia through deposits, can also stabilize

price level umum.Tight money policy carried out by SBI raised interest
rates (through open market mechanism) is very high, on the one hand to
be effective

to reduce the money suplly, but on the other hand will increase the
interest rate

credit to the real sector. As a result, will cause cost push inflation

because of the interest rate-price spiral. If the interest rate (deposit)

banks are too high, so the productive funds (funds to produce

or tried to) in the community were absorbed into the banking system, it will

can lead to stagnation or even decline in manufacturing output

national (called by Cavallo effect). More so when it comes to going
negative spread

the national banking world, then not only cause damage to the

the real sector, but also damage to the national banking industry
(monetary sector).

If this policy continues to be done by the government within a period

medium or long term, there will be economic depression, resulting in structures

national economy will be damaged.

If so, then the best policy to curb inflation

not only done through the concept of the moneterist alone, but also with

attention to the structuralist perspective, looking at the need for more

overcome the structural barriers that exist.

Based on the various barriers to economic development

Indonesia that has been mentioned above, it is necessary efforts


Writing V

Indonesia's economic growth in 2012

The World Bank estimates that Indonesia's economic growth in 2012
amounted to only 6.3 percent, lower than the projection for 2011 of
6.4 percent.

"One of the factors influencing this growth is slowing global economic
slump," said World Bank economist Representatives of Indonesia,
Shubham Chaudhuri, the Institute for Public Policy Paramadina Tuesday.

According to him, Indonesia's financial markets are not immune to
external shocks. But Indonesia continued to show strong economic
performance in the midst of many countries around the world are
experiencing a sharp decline in the fiscal position and balance sheet
of the private sector since 2008.

Shubham further said Indonesia's macroeconomic fundamentals are solid
major defense in the face of ongoing market turmoil.

According to him, it is important for Indonesia to take steps to
improve the resilience of the global financial market turbulence,
including the avoidance of uncertainty in the policy.

The World Bank has lowered its 2012 economic growth rate of 6.7
percent to 6.3 percent in June 2011 due to weaker economic growth in
the countries main trading partner and commodity prices.

However, according to Shubham, this figure still puts Indonesia's
economy in a strong position.

"Currently, the World Bank scenario, the calculation is not necessary
emergency," said Shubham.

However, according to him, as a preparation to face the crisis
scenario there are some important things you can do, among others,
review the crisis management protocols, especially in the financial
sector, considering the financing of the budget for the unexpected,
and prepare emergency plans in the form of fiscal stimulus.

In the pessimistic scenario, including if the international financial
crisis and weakening external demand, the World Bank projected the
economic growth of Indonesia in 2012 will drop to just 5.5 percent.

While in the extreme scenario where the crisis led to significantly
lower global growth and India and China are also facing large growth,
then Indonesia's economic growth will decline sharply in 2012 but
still above the four percent.

Article VI

Journalists report, Andri Malau

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Minister of Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa
ordinator considers legitimate rejection of protests voiced at the
discretion of the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy.

"I think it's normal in a democracy, all orderly, not anarchists, we
also should not overreact," said Hatta said the Vice Presidential
Palace complex, Jakarta, Friday (16/03/2012) afternoon.

Hatta asserted is the duty of government to provide explanations to
the public that the policy taken by the government raised fuel prices
aimed at saving the national economy.

"Because it's part of the government's job is to explain to my friends
that demo. This is actually a good government program in order to save
the national economy. In order to maintain our growth momentum while
also protecting our society is weak, affected by the direct
assistance, providing

scholarships, including transportation and so on, "he explains.

Stressed importance to the government both at central and regional
levels to provide socialization. "The state of democracy in this world
there is always a demo and the demo can not be used as an important
reason so orderly, and up until the destination or expression, and we
listen. If you can engage in dialogue, even better."

Related to the supply of fuel subsidy policy towards the rise in fuel
prices as of 1 April, Hatta ensure the safe. "Safe, safe," Hatta gives
certainty, that there is no problem.

Related to the discovery of a number of parties who do penimpunan fuel
ahead of the increase in fuel subsidies, Hatta strongly urged that the
perpetrators be dealt with firmly. "Hoarding action," he told

Why the Poor Reduce HARD?

The challenge to alleviate poverty seems increasingly heavy.
Indication of the rate of decline in the number of poor is
increasingly slowed. It seems that the government should work harder
and harder.

Based on data didiseminasi Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in early
January (2/1), in September 2011, the number of poor people reached
29.89 million or 12.36 percent of the total population of Indonesia, a
decrease of 130 thousand people sebeser or 0 , 13 per cent when
compared to conditions in March 2011. Number of poor people when it
reached 30.02 million or 12.49 percent of the total population of

Not much different from the poor

Reasonably suspected, 130 thousand people who changed the status of
the poor is actually just turned into near-poor population (near
poor). Indicated by the increase of poor population that has now
almost broke the 27.82 million people or about 11.5 percent of the
total population of Indonesia (BPS, 2012).

When compared to the conditions in March 2011: the number of near-poor
population reached 27.12 million (10.28 percent), that means, have
occurred in the number of near-poor population of 700 thousand people
during the period March 2011-September 2011. And, it's easy to be
expected, one source added it was 130 thousand poor people who rose to
nearly poor status, in addition to about 570 thousand people are not
poor who fell into near-poor status, of course.

Suspected, the survivors of the expenditure categories of the poor is
only shifted slightly above the poverty line or boundary. This
condition causes a degree of prosperity they are not much different
from poor people, maybe even the same. Therefore, regardless of the
concepts used in BPS to determine who 'the poor' (poor), it is not
wrong if we say they actually are still poor. More than that,
actually, they are still very vulnerable to falling into poverty again
in case of economic turmoil.

Chronic Poverty

Decreased by 130 thousand people for a semester course is relatively
small and far from satisfactory. In fact, the budget has been
disbursed to finance all sorts of government poverty alleviation
programs, which are now more layered, not least, a barrage, reaching
80 trillion in 2011 and then (Reuters, 01/19/2012). This appears to
confirm the skepticism of some people, the government's target to
reduce poverty to below 10 percent of the more difficult and hard to

Easy to be expected, more than the rate of decline in the number of
poor due to the condition that there is chronic poverty (chronic
poverty). Identified, those, who have not terentaskan of poverty, is
the chronic poor, the poor are no longer temporary.

In contrast to the poverty temporary (transient poverty) are more of a
resultant of temporary causes, such as the economic crisis, government
policies are not populist, and natural disasters, chronic poverty is
persistent, it is present even though the crisis did not happen,
populist government policies, and / or no natural disasters.

The main feature of chronic poverty is the degree of capability-level
education and health, they are very low. Unfortunately, the low degree
of kapabillitas is also exacerbated by pessimism over conditions of
deprivation experienced. They are caught in chronic poverty generally
do not believe that their fate will be changed. In fact, it is not
uncommon among those who thought that poverty was not meant to be
experienced, even something to be grateful.

Therefore, various poverty alleviation programs in depth, as tunia
assistance (cash transfers), the National Program Citizens Empowerment
(PNPM) Mandiri, Family Hope Program (PKH), and the People's Business
Credit (KUR), there will be more influenced many in alleviating them
from poverty .

In the scheme of poverty alleviation programs designed government,
efforts to improve the capabilities of poor people has indeed been
done. Assistance programs of social protection, such as School
Operational Assistance (BOS), scholarships for the poor, the Community
Health Insurance (Jamkesmas), and Jamaninan Maternity (Jampersal) has
duluncurkan government to improve the quality of education and poor
health, including chronic poverty.

However, it is suspected, the effectiveness of such programs is still
low. Suspected, chronic poverty is not touched or did not have access
to assistance programs. This could be due to poor location of
residence and chronicles the far corners of the remote so it is
difficult to reach.

The key in rural areas

Easy to be expected, most of the chronic poor are in rural areas.
Indication of the number of poor, mostly located in rural areas. Data
BPS states, in September 2011, approximately 18.94 million (63.4
percent) are poor people in rural areas. Easy to be expected, most of
them are agricultural laborers and peasants: landless and tenants.

Identified, although recent growth in the agricultural sector in the
broad sense, including food crops sub-sector, plantations, livestock,
fisheries and forestry, is quite impressive, it seems this has not
followed their kesajahteraan improvements-including the poor, who work
in this sector.

Based on BPS data, throughout 2011, the agricultural sector in the
broad sense it has grown by 3 percent (year on year). However, at the
same time, real wages (purchasing power) in general teros
hodge-although declining face value continues to rise, and the
movement of Farmers Exchange (NTP), which is a proxy for the degree of
well-being of farmers, tend to stagnate.

BPS data show, in January 2012, real wages of agricultural laborers
declined by 0.41 percent compared to December 2011. Neither the NTP in
January 2012, decreased by 0.02 percent compared to December 2011.
From this it should be assumed, the growth that occurred in the
agricultural sector lame. In that sense, most of the 'cake'
growth-value added (value added)-that is created in this sector
enjoyed only a handful of people who have access to a great mastery of
production factors. While most of the others just enjoy a small part
due to limited access to the mastery of the production factors they
have. For food crops sub-sector, for example, most of the 'cake'
growth seems to be enjoyed by large farmers and landowners, not
farmers, landless, especially farm workers.

Since most of the poor-including chronic poor live in rural areas, and
depend on agriculture, there are at least three things that should be
the focus of attention of the government to get out of the trap
slowing the rate of decline in the number of poor and encourage the
acceleration of poverty reduction in the future.

First, the agricultural sector, rural development is tough, is not
only focused on efforts to boost food production alone, but also on
the development of agricultural commodities and high value
export-oriented. Accordingly, the distribution of land tenure should
also be improved, and agrarian reform is the solution.

Second, the agricultural sector, rural development, particularly those
sectors that have a connection (linkage) a strong economy with the
agricultural sector, for example, industries that can increase the
added value of agricultural commodities produced by farmers
(agribusiness). Nonagricultural-rural development will provide new
economic opportunities for poor rural population that depends not only
on the farm economy. Third, development of rural infrastructure to
improve the accessibility and capabilities of poor rural population.

By realizing the third case, terget to reduce the percentage of poor
people to below 10 percent seems to be the thing that is not too
difficult to achieve. (*)


Corruption Still Threatens Indonesia's Economic Growth

TEMPO.CO - Mon, January 17, 2012

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The issue of corruption is estimated to still be a
threat to economic growth in Indonesia. "The scandal of corruption in
the Democratic Party in 2011 and has a negative effect on the
investment climate in Indonesia," said President Fitch Ratings,
Phillip McNicholas.

This statement was disclosed in a presentation Phillip "Indonesia
Investment Grade: Whats Next?" at the Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta,
Tuesday, January 17, 2012. "Corruption is still affecting the
international competitiveness of Indonesia," he added.

Previously, Fitch Ratings has raised its long-term debt rating of BB +
Indonesia to BBB-with stable outlook. "Indonesia should be able to fix
the shortcomings of climate," said Phillips. He highlighted the
problems of infrastructure, education, and low income as the main
problem, besides the most fundamental is the corruption.

Indonesia is expected to maintain a stable outlook in the first
quarter of 2012. "Then we will observe the state of Indonesia in the
face of positive and negative pressure," said Phillip.

Government policy makers must be good as the execution of the various
policies promulgated. "Management is a good policy will lead Indonesia
to increase welfare," said Phillip. The increase in debt ratings
Indonesia, he said, more driven by sound financial policies and
macro-economic situation is stable. Those two factors scored above the
state average with other BB predicate.

Article IX

JAKARTA, - W Purbo DIRGO energy analysts suggest the
Indonesian government requested Indonesia's crude oil buyers to pay in
Rupiah. According DIRGO, payments received, Indonesian Rupiah
Indonesia to strengthen economic resilience.

"When I wanted to pay, they will look for the rupiah. It can stabilize
the rupiah. During this time, Bank Indonesia has always intervened to
stabilize the rupiah," said DIRGO to fuel discussion in Jakarta,
Saturday (17/03/2012).

DIRGO added, the government of Indonesia should take advantage of this
in the context of monetary conditions. If enacted, this is historic.
Indonesia, for the first time, to receive payment of crude oil
exports, the Rupiah. So far, Indonesia receive payment in U.S.

Average price of Indonesian crude oil in February this year based on
the calculation formula Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) reached 122.17
U.S. dollars per barrel. This means rose 6.26 U.S. dollars per barrel
from 115.91 dollars per barrel in January.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012




1.   simple present
He said, “I go to school every day.”
2.    simple past
He said, “I went to school every day.”
3.    present perfect
He said, “I have gone to school every day.”
4.    present progressive
He said, “I am going to school every day.”
5.    past progressive
He said, “I was going to school every day.”
6.    future (will)
He said, “I will go to school every day.”
7.    future (going to)
He said, “I am going to school every day.”

a.    simple past
He said (that) he went to school every day.

b.    past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
c.    past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day.
d.    perfect progressive
He said (that) he had been going to school every day
e.    simple past
He asked me if I went to school every day.*
Hasked me where I went to school.

Direct : She says to her friend, ” I have been writing “.

Indirect : She says to her friend that he has been writing. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She has told you, ” I am reading “.

Indirect : She has told you that he is reading. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She will say, ” You have done wrongly “.

Indirect : She will tell you that you have done wrongly. (tidak berubah)

Direct : She will say,” The boy wasn’t lazy “.

Indirect : She will tell them that the boy wasn’t lazy. (tidak berubah)


Tulisan I

JAKARTA, - Pengamat Ekonomi Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Kodrat Wibowo, mendorong pemerintah segera mengumumkan kenaikan harga bahan bakar bersubsidi. Hal ini bertujuan mencegah domino efek kenaikan harga yang berlarut-larut.
"Saat ini, harga bahan kebutuhan pokok mulai mengalami penyesuaian," kata Kodrat pada diskusi mengenai BBM di Jakarta, Sabtu (17/3/2012).
Sementara itu, analis energi Dirgo W Purbo mengatakan, dirinya dapat memahami niat pemerintah menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi. Dirgo melihat ada kewajaran di balik niat pemerintah tersebut. Menurut Dirgo, kemampuan pemerintah terkait target produksi minyak mentah siap jual (lifting) di bawah 900.000 barrel per hari sama seperti periode 1970-an.
"Pada era tersebut, penduduk Indonesia sekitar 70 juta orang. Indonesia masih menjadi net oil and gas exporter. Saat ini penduduk Indonesia mencapai 230 juta. Dengan volume yang sama, bagaimana bisa menghidupkan negara dengan jumlah penduduk yang bertambah tiga kali lipat? Saya melihat adanya kewajaran," kata Dirgo.
Sebelumnya, pemerintah mengajukan usulan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi Rp 1.500 per liter dalam Rancangan APBN Perubahan 2012.

Tulisan  II
Krisis Ekonomi
Krisis Bisa Hantam Indonesia Tahun 2012
Surya/dodo hawe Mantan Menteri Koordinator bidang Perekonomian dan Menteri Keuangan, era Presiden Gus Dur, Dr Rizal Ramli.
JAKARTA, Indonesia bisa dihantam krisis ekonomi sedahsyat yang pernah dialami negeri ini tahun 1997, akibat krisis utang di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat.
Jumlah aliran dana asing alias hot money yang beredar di Indonesia lima kali lipat dibandingkan tahun 1997. Pengetatan likuiditas di negara-negara Eropa, sebagai obat krisis utang beberapa negara anggota Uni Eropa, bisa membuat hot money di Indonesia ditarik keluar.
Ekspor yang terus mengalami pelambatan akibat krisis di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat juga bakal menekan nilai tukar rupiah. Pada gilirannya, krisis utang di Eropa bakal berimbas pada perekonomian Indonesia.
Mantan Menteri Perekonomian, Rizal Ramli, di Jakarta, Selasa (15/11/2011),memprediksi hantaman krisis di Indonesia akibat krisis utang di Eropa bakal sangat terasa pada kuartal pertama tahun 2012.
Rizal mengatakan, penjelasan resmi pemerintah bahwa Indonesia tidak bakal terimbas krisis harus disikapi hati-hati. Persoalannya, krisis tahun 1997 juga akibat pemerintah melenakan berbagai sinyal krisis.
"Penjelasan resmi pemerintah, Indonesia enggak bakal kena krisis; ekonomi dan fundamental ekonomi Indonesia kuat sekali," katanya. "Pernyataan-pernyataan begini sama seperti yang diungkapkan pada tahun 1997-1998 bahwa ekonomi Indonesia fundamentalnya kuat, cadangan devisa besar. Menurut saya, kita harus hati-hati karena cadangan devisa yang besar itu tidak seluruhnya milik pemerintah."
Rizal menyebutkan, dari cadangan devisa Indonesia 110 miliar dollar AS, punya pemerintah paling banyak hanya seperempatnya. Sisanya dimiliki oleh swasta.
"Kita kan menganut sistem devisa yang superbebas. Kalau ada apa-apa, swasta ini pasti telepon banknya supaya uangnya dikirim ke luar negeri. Nah sekarang itu, jumlah uang panas atau hot money lima kali lipat dari tahun 1998," ujar Rizal.
Celakanya, menurut Rizal, pemerintah tidak mampu melakukan reformasi birokrasi sehingga tidak ada perubahan dalam kultur birokrasi.
"Birokrasi masih merupakan penghambat. Yang namanya hot money tidak berhasil berubah jadi cold money, uang dingin. Idealnya, uang panas itu diubah jadi uang dingin masuk ke investasi sektor riil," katanya.
Rizal menunjukkan, sinyal krisis sebetulnya sudah mulai terasa. "Pelan-pelan ekspor Indonesia sudah mulai melambat, dan itu juga terjadi di negara lain. China saja yang hebat sudah mulai slow down karena dua raksasa ekonomi, Eropa dan Amerika, mengalami pelambatan," ujarnya.
Dampak krisis utang di Eropa, menurut Rizal, bisa terlihat dari dua hal. Dampaknya melalui dua mekanisme. "Satu, mekanisme ekspor. Ekspor Indonesia mulai melambat 2012. Sayangnya impor kita naiknya tinggi terus. Akibatnya, surplus di neraca pembayaran dan transaksinya berjalan makin lama makin kecil. Itu akan memberi tekanan terhadap mata uang rupiah," ungkap Rizal.
Kedua, menurutnya, melalui mekanisme finansial. "Karena krisis, Eropa sedang mengetatkan likuiditas dan sektor moneternya. Dengan begitu, mereka mau tidak mau menarik investasi di portofolio mereka di Indonesia," ucapnya.


PRESIDEN Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Partai Demokrat menjadi pihak yang paling disalahkan atas penaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi. Namun, program bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) ternyata mampu menyelamatkan citra Yudhoyono dan partai yang dibinanya.

Hal tersebut adalah kesimpulan survei Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI) yang dirilis di Jakarta, kemarin. Survei dilakukan pada 5-8 Maret 2012 terhadap 440 responden. Menurut Adjie Alfaraby, peneliti LSI, survei menggunakan multistage random sampling dengan margin of error sekitar 4,8 persen.

Adjie menjelaskan, 86,6 persen responden menolak jika harga BBM bersubsidi dinaikkan pemerintah. 11,26 persen setuju, dan 2,14 persen tidak menjawab. Pihak yang paling disalahkan atas penaikan harga BBM bersubsidi dalam kategori tokoh ialah SBY (34,06 persen), diikuti DPR (30,79 persen), Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (17,71 persen), dan lainnya 3,54 persen. Sisanya, sebesar 13,9 persen tidak menjawab.
Dari sisi partai, 54,2 persen responden akan menyalahkan Partai Demokrat jika harga BBM bersubsidi jadi dinaikkan. Partai koalisi hanya disalahkan 11,5 persen responden. Sisanya, 34,1 persen responden tidak menjawab.

Penaikan harga BBM bersubsidi menjadi Rp6.000 per liter akan dimulai 1 April mendatang. Pemerintah sudah menyiapkan kompensasi atas penaikan harga BBM bersubsidi berupa BLT sebesar Rp25,6 triliun. Berdasarkan nota keuangan yang disampaikan pemerintah kepada DPR, BLT dikucurkan Rp150 ribu per bulan untuk satu rumah tangga sasaran selama sembilan bulan.

Bermental pengemis

Berdasarkan hasil survei LSI, Yudhoyono dan Partai Demokrat merupakan pihak yang mengeruk keuntungan politik terbesar atas program BLT. Mereka dianggap sebagai pihak yang paling berjasa.
Hasil survei menyebutkan jika program BLT digelontorkan, 53,74 persen responden menyatakan Yudhoyono sebagai pihak yang berjasa. Urutan berikutnya ialah Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa (19,25 persen), 16,09 persen tak menjawab, dan 10,92 persen menyebut sejumlah tokoh lain.
Keuntungan juga diraup Partai Demokrat. Sebanyak 54,36 persen responden menyatakan Partai Demokrat sebagai pihak yang paling berjasa jika BLT digelontorkan. Sebanyak 25 persen responden tidak menjawab dan hanya 25,64 persen responden yang menyatakan partai lain berjasa. "Partai koalisi sekalipun tidak mendapatkan keuntungan dari program BLT," kata Adjie.
Saat dihubungi terpisah, kemarin, ekonom Universitas Gadjah Mada Sri Adiningsih menilai program BLT justru mendorong warga miskin menjadi pemalas dan bermental pengemis.
Ia menjelaskan, dengan penaikan harga BBM bersubsidi sebesar Rp1.500 per liter, terdapat penghematan sekitar Rp38 triliun. Dana penghematan sebesar itu, kata dia, bisa dipakai untukprogram-program produktif dan padat karya. Pemberian BLT, menurut Sri, sama sekali tidak membuat masyarakat menjadi cerdas dan produktif.

Tulisan IV

Krisis moneter yang melanda negara-negara ASEAN, termasuk
Indonesia, telah menyebabkan rusaknya sendi-sendi perekonomian
nasional. Krisis moneter menyebabkan terjadinya imported inflation
sebagai akibat dari terdepresiasinya secara tajam nilai tukar rupiah
terhadap mata uang asing, yang selanjutnya mengakibatkan tekanan
inflasi yang berat bagi Indonesia.
Fenomena inflasi di Indonesia sebenarnya semata-mata bukan
merupakan suatu fenomena jangka pendek saja dan yang terjadi secara
situasional, tetapi seperti halnya yang umum terjadi pada negara-negara
yang sedang berkembang lainnya, masalah inflasi di Indonesia lebih
pada masalah inflasi jangka panjang karena masih terdapatnya
hambatan-hambatan struktural dalam perekonomian negara. Dengan
demikian, maka pembenahan masalah inflasi di Indonesia tidak cukup
dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen-instrumen moneter saja,
yang umumnya bersifat jangka pendek, tetapi juga dengan melakukan
pembenahan di sektor riil, yaitu dengan target utama mengeliminasi
hambatan-hambatan struktural yang ada dalam perekonomian nasional.Seperti halnya yang terjadi pada negara-negara berkembang pada umumnya,
fenomena inflasi di Indonesia masih menjadi satu dari berbagai “penyakit” ekonomi
makro yang meresahkan pemerintah terlebih bagi masyarakat. Memang, menjelang
akhir pemerintahan Orde Baru (sebelum krisis moneter) angka inflasi tahunan
dapat ditekan sampai pada single digit, tetapi secara umum masih mengandung
kerawanan jika dilihat dari seberapa besar prosentase kelompok masyarakat
golongan miskin yang menderita akibat inflasi. Lebih-lebih setelah semakin
berlanjutnya krisis moneter yang kemudian diikuti oleh krisis ekonomi, yang
menjadi salah satu dari penyebab jatuhnya pemerintahan Orde Baru, angka inflasi
cenderung meningkat pesat (mencapai lebih dari 75 % pada tahun 1998), dan
diperparah dengan semakin besarnya presentase golongan masyarakat miskin.
Sehingga bisa dikatakan, bahwa meskipun angka inflasi di Indonesia termasukdalam katagori tinggi, tetapi dengan meninjau presentase golongan masyarakat
ekonomi bawah yang menderita akibat inflasi cukup besar, maka sebenarnya dapat
dikatakan bahwa inflasi di Indonesia telah masuk dalam stadium awal dari
Sebagaimana halnya yang umum terjadi pada negara – negara berkembang,
inflasi di Indonesia relatif lebih banyak disebabkan oleh hal-hal yang bersifat
struktural ekonomi bila dibandingkan dengan hal-hal yang bersifat monetary
policies. Sehingga bisa dikatakan, bahwa pengaruh dari cosh push inflation lebih
besar dari pada demand pull inflation.
Memang dalam periode tahun-tahun tertentu, misalnya pada saat terjadinya oil
booming, tekanan inflasi di Indonesia disebabkan meningkatnya jumlah uang
beredar. Tetapi hal tersebut tidak dapat mengabaikan adanya pengaruh yang
bersifat struktural ekonomi, sebab pada periode tersebut, masih terjadi kesenjangan
antara penawaran agregat dengan permintaan agregat, contohnya di sub sektor
pertanian, yang dapat meningkatkan derajat inflasi.
Pada umumnya pemerintah Indonesia lebih banyak menggunakan pendekatan
moneter dalam upaya mengendalikan tingkat harga umum. Pemerintah Indonesia
lebih senang menggunakan instrumen moneter sebagai alat untuk meredam inflasi,
misalnya dengan open market mechanism atau reserve requirement. Tetapi perlu
diingat, bahwa pendekatan moneter lebih banyak dipakai untuk mengatasi inflasi
dalam jangka pendek, dan sangat baik diterapkan peda negara-negara yang telah
maju perekonomiannya, bukan pada negara berkembang yang masih memiliki
structural bottleneck. Jadi, apabila pendekatan moneter ini dipakai sebagai alat
utama dalam mengendalikan inflasi di negara berkembang, maka tidak akan dapat
menyelesaikan problem inflasi di negara berkembang yang umumnya berkarakteristik
jangka panjang.Seperti halnya yang terjadi di Indonesia pada saat krisis moneter yang
selanjutnya menjadi krisis ekonomi, inflasi di Indonesia dipicu oleh kenaikan harga
komoditi impor (imported inflation) dan membengkaknya hutang luar negeri akibatdari terdepresiasinya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika dan mata uang
asing lainnya. Akibatnya, untuk mengendalikan tekanan inflasi, maka terlebih
dahulu harus dilakukan penstabilan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap valuta asing,
khususnya dolar Amerika.Dalam menstabilkan nilai kurs, pemerintah Indonesia cenderung lebih banyakmemainkan instrumen moneter melalui otoritas moneter dengan tight money policyyang diharapkan selain dapat menarik minat para pemegang valuta asing untuk
menginvestasikan modalnya ke Indonesia melalui deposito, juga dapat menstabilkan
tingkat harga umum.Tight money policy yang dilakukan dengan cara menaikkan tingkat suku bunga SBI (melalui open market mechanism) sangat tinggi, pada satu sisi akan efektif
untuk mengurangi money suplly, tetapi di sisi lain akan meningkatkan suku bunga
kredit untuk sektor riil. Akibatnya, akan menyebabkan timbulnya cost push inflation
karena adanya interest rate-price spiral. Apabila tingkat suku bunga (deposito)
perbankan sudah terlalu tinggi, sehingga dana produktif (dana untuk berproduksi
atau berusaha) yang ada di masyarakat ikut terserap ke perbankan, maka akan
dapat menyebabkan timbulnya stagnasi atau bahkan penurunan output produksi
nasional (disebut dengan Cavallo effect). Lebih lagi bila sampai terjadi negatif spread
pada dunia perbankan nasional, maka bukan saja menimbulkan kerusakan pada
sektor riil, tetapi juga kerusakan pada industri perbankan nasional (sektor moneter).
Jika kebijaksanaan ini terus dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam jangka waktu
menengah atau panjang, maka akan terjadi depresi ekonomi, akibatnya struktur
perekonomian nasional akan rusak.
Jika demikian halnya, maka sebaiknya kebijaksanaan pengendalian inflasi
bukan hanya dilakukan melalui konsep kaum moneterist saja, tetapi juga dengan
memperhatikan cara pandang kaum structuralist, yang lebih memandang perlunya
mengatasi hambatan-hambatan struktural yang ada.
Dengan berpedoman pada berbagai hambatan dalam pembangunan perekonomian
Indonesia yang telah disebutkan di atas, maka perlu berbagai upaya

Tulisan  V

Bank Dunia memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada tahun 2012 hanya sebesar 6,3 persen, lebih rendah dari proyeksi untuk 2011 sebesar 6,4 persen.

"Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pelambatan pertumbuhan ini adalah kemorosotan ekonomi global," kata Ekonom Bank Dunia Perwakilan Indonesia, Shubham Chaudhuri, di Institut Kebijakan Publik Paramadina Jakarta, Selasa.

Menurut dia, pasar keuangan Indonesia tidak kebal terhadap guncangan eksternal. Tetapi Indonesia tetap menunjukkan kinerja ekonomi yang kuat di tengah banyaknya negara di dunia yang mengalami penurunan tajam posisi fiskal dan neraca keuangan sektor swasta sejak 2008.

Lebih lanjut Shubham mengatakan, fundamental ekonomi makro Indonesia yang kokoh adalah pertahanan utama dalam menghadapi gejolak pasar yang terus berlangsung.

Menurut dia, penting bagi Indonesia mengambil langkah-langkah meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap goncangan pasar keuangan global termasuk dengan menghindari ketidakpastian dalam kebijakan.

Bank Dunia telah menurunkan proyeksi angka pertumbuhan ekonomi tahun 2012 dari 6,7 persen menjadi 6,3 persen pada Juni 2011 karena melemahnya pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara mitra dagang utama dan harga komoditas.

Namun, menurut Shubham, angka ini masih menempatkan perekonomian Indonesia pada posisi yang kuat.

"Saat ini, dalam skenario Bank Dunia, tidak perlu dilakukan perhitungan darurat," kata Shubham.

Namun, menurut dia, sebagai persiapan untuk menghadapi skenario krisis ada beberapa hal penting yang bisa dilakukan antara lain mengkaji ulang protokol krisis manajemen terutama pada sektor finansial, mempertimbangkan pembiayaan tak terduga untuk anggaran, dan mempersiapkan rencana darurat berupa stimulus fiskal.

Pada skenario yang pesimistis termasuk jika terjadi krisis keuangan internasional serta melemahnya permintaan eksternal, maka Bank Dunia memproyeksikan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada 2012 akan turun hingga hanya 5,5 persen.

Sedangkan pada skenario yang ekstrim di mana krisis menyebabkan turunnya pertumbuhan global secara signifikan dan India serta China juga menghadapi pertumbuhan yang besar, maka pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada 2012 akan merosot tajam namun masih berada di atas empat persen.

Tulisan VI
Laporan Wartawan, Andri Malau
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Menteri Kordinator Bidang Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa menganggap sah-sah saja terjadinya aksi demonstrasi menyuarakan penolakan atas kebijakan kenaikkan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) subsidi.
"Saya kira itu dalam negara demokrasi biasa, sepanjang tertib, tidak anarkis, tidak usah juga kita bereaksi berlebihan," demikian Hatta mengatakan di kompleks Istana Wakil Presiden, Jakarta, Jumat (16/3/2012) sore.
Hatta menegaskan adalah tugas pemerintah memberikan penjelasan kepada masyarakat bahwa kebijakan yang diambil pemerintah menaikkan harga BBM bertujuan untuk menyelamatkan ekonomi nasional.
"Karena itu bagian dari tugas pemerintah adalah menjelaskan kepada kawan-kawan yang demo. Inilah program pemerintah sebenarnya baik dalam rangka menyelamatkan perekonomian nasional. Dalam rangka kita menjaga momentum pertumbuhan sekaligus juga melindungi masyarakat kita yang lemah, terkena dampak dengan bantuan-bantuan langsung, memberikan
beasiswa, termasuk juga transportasi dan sebagainya," lanjutnya menjelaskan.
Ditegaskannya penting bagi pemerintah baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah untuk memberikan sosialisasi. "Negara demokrasi di dunia ini selalu ada demo dan demo tidak bisa dijadikan suatu alasan yang penting tertib ya, dan sampai tujuan atau ekspresinya itu sampai dan kita dengarkan. Kalau bisa berdialog, lebih baik lagi."
Terkait pasokan BBM subsidi menjelang kebijakan kenaikkan harga BBM per 1 April mendatang, Hatta menjamin aman. "Aman, aman," Hatta memberi kepastian, bahwa tidak ada masalah.
Terkait ditemukannya sejumlah pihak yang melakukan penimpunan BBM subsidi jelang kenaikkan BBM, Hatta dengan tegas meminta agar para pelaku ditindak tegas. "Penimbunan ditindak," tegasnya kepada wartawan.


Kenapa Orang Miskin SUKAR Berkurang ?

Tantangan untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan nampaknya kian berat. Terindikasi dari laju penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin yang kian melambat. Nampaknya, pemerintah harus bekerja lebih giat dan lebih keras.
Berdasarkan data yang didiseminasi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) awal Januari lalu (2/1), pada September 2011, jumlah penduduk miskin mencapai 29,89 juta orang atau sebesar 12,36 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia, turun sebeser 130 ribu orang atau 0,13 persen jika dibandingkan kondisi Maret 2011. Jumlah penduduk miskin kala itu mencapai 30,02 juta orang atau sebesar 12,49 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia.
Tidak jauh berbeda dengan si miskin
Patut diduga, 130 ribu orang penduduk miskin yang berubah status itu sebetulnya hanya beralih menjadi penduduk hampir miskin (near poor). Terindikasi dari pertambahan jumlah penduduk hampir miskin yang kini telah menembus angka 27,82 juta orang atau sekitar 11,5 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia (BPS, 2012).
Jika dibandingkan terhadap kondisi Maret 2011: jumlah penduduk hampir miskin mencapai 27,12 juta orang (10,28 persen), itu artinya, telah terjadi pertambahan jumlah penduduk hampir miskin sebesar 700 ribu orang sepanjang periode Maret 2011-September 2011. Dan, mudah untuk diduga, salah satu sumber pertambahan itu adalah 130 ribu penduduk miskin yang naik status menjadi hampir miskin, selain sekitar 570 ribu penduduk tidak miskin yang turun status menjadi hampir miskin, tentunya.
Ditengarai, pengeluaran mereka yang selamat dari kategori miskin hanya bergeser sedikit di atas garis atau batas kemiskinan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan derajat kesejahteraan mereka tidak jauh berbeda dengan penduduk miskin, bahkan mungkin sama. Karena itu, terlepas dari konsep yang digunakan BPS dalam menetapkan siapa ‘si miskin’(poor), tidak salah kalau kita menyatakan, mereka sejatinya juga masih miskin. Lebih dari itu, sebetulnya, mereka masih sangat rentan untuk kembali jatuh miskin jika terjadi gejolak ekonomi.
Kemiskinan kronik
Penurunan sebesar 130 ribu orang selama satu semester tentu relatif kecil dan jauh dari memuaskan. Padahal, anggaran yang telah digelontorkan pemerintah untuk membiaya segala rupa program pengentasan kemiskinan—yang kini kian berlapis—tidaklah sedikit, bertubi-tubi, mencapai 80 triliun di 2011 lalu (Kompas, 19/1/2012). Hal ini nampaknya semakin mengonfirmasi skeptisisme sebagian kalangan, target pemerintah untuk mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan hingga di bawah 10 persen semakin sulit dan berat untuk dicapai.
Mudah untuk diduga, kian lambatnya laju penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin karena kondisi kemiskinan yang terjadi sudah kronik (chronic poverty). Ditengarai, mereka, yang belum terentaskan dari kemiskinan, adalah penduduk miskin kronik, bukan lagi penduduk miskin sementara.
Berbeda dengan kemiskinan sementara (transient poverty) yang lebih merupakan resultan dari sebab-sebab temporer—seperti krisis ekonomi, kebijakan pemerintah yang tidak populis, dan bencana alam—kemiskinan kronik bersifat persisten, tetap hadir meskipun krisis tidak terjadi, kebijakan pemerintah populis, dan/atau tidak ada bencana alam.
Ciri utama penduduk miskin kronik adalah derajat kapabilitas—tingkat pendidikan dan kesehatan— mereka yang sangat rendah. Celakanya, rendahnya derajat kapabillitas ini juga kian diperparah dengan pesimisme terhadap kondisi serba kekurangan yang dialami. Mereka yang terjerat kemiskinan kronik umumnya tidak yakin bahwa nasib mereka bakal berubah. Bahkan, tidak jarang di antara mereka menganggap bahwa kemiskinan yang dialami sudah takdir, bahkan sesuatu yang harus disyukuri.
Karena itu, berbagai program pengentasan kemiskinan berlapis, seperti bantuan tunia (cash transfer), Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Mayarakat (PNPM) Mandiri , Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), dan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR), tidak akan berpangaruh banyak dalam mengentaskan mereka dari kemiskinan.
Dalam skema program pengentasan kemiskinan yang didesain pemerintah, upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat kapabilitas penduduk miskin memang telah dilakukan. Program-program bantuan perlindungan sosial, seperti Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS), beasiswa untuk penduduk miskin, Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas), dan Jamaninan Persalinan (Jampersal) telah duluncurkan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan kesehatan penduduk miskin, termasuk penduduk miskin kronik.
Namun, ditengarai, efektivitas program-program tersebut masih rendah. Ditengarai, penduduk miskin kronik tidak tersentuh atau tidak memiliki akses terhadap program-program bantuan tersebut. Hal ini dapat disebabkan lokasi tempat tinggal penduduk miskin kronik yang terpencil dan jauh di pelosok sehingga sulit dijangkau.
Kuncinya di daerah perdesaan
Mudah untuk diduga, sebagian besar penduduk miskin kronik terdapat di daerah perdesaan. Terindikasi dari jumlah penduduk miskin yang sebagian besar terdapat di daerah perdesaan. Data BPS menyebutkan, pada September 2011, sekitar 18,94 juta (63,4 persen) penduduk miskin terdapat di daerah perdesaan. Mudah untuk diduga, sebagian besar mereka adalah buruh tani dan petani: gurem dan penggarap.
Ditengarai, meskipun belakangan ini pertumbuhan sektor pertanian dalam arti luas—mencakup subsektor tanaman bahan makanan, perkebunan, peternakan, perikanan dan kehutanan—cukup mengesankan, nampaknya hal ini belum diikuti perbaikan kesajahteraan mereka—termasuk penduduk miskin—yang bekerja di sektor ini.
Berdasarkan data BPS, sepanjang 2011, sektor pertanian dalam arti luas memang telah tumbuh sebesar 3 persen (year on year). Namun, pada saat yang sama, upah riil (daya beli) buruh tani secara umum teros merosot— meskipun nilai nominalnya terus naik—dan pergerakan Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP), yang merupakan proksi derajat kesejahteraan petani, cenderung stagnan.
Data BPS menunjukkan, pada Januari 2012, upah riil buruh tani mengalami penurunan sebesar 0,41 persen dibanding Desember 2011. Begitupula dengan NTP Januari 2012, mengalami penurunan sebesar 0,02 persen dibanding Desember 2011. Dari sini patut diduga, pertumbuhan yang terjadi di sektor pertanian timpang. Dalam artian, sebagian besar ‘kue’ pertumbuhan—nilai tambah (value added)—yang tercipta di sektor ini hanya dinikmati segelintir orang yang memiliki akses penguasaan faktor produksi yang besar. Sementara sebagian besar lainnya hanya menikmati sebagian kecilnya karena keterbatasan akses penguasaan faktor produksi yang mereka miliki. Untuk subsektor tanaman bahan makanan, misalnya, sebagian besar ‘kue’ pertumbuhan nampaknya dinikmati oleh para petani besar dan pemilik lahan, bukan petani penggarap, gurem, apalagi buruh tani.
Karena sebagian besar penduduk miskin—termasuk miskin kronik—tinggal di perdesaan dan menggantungkan hidupnya di sektor pertanian, sedikitnya ada tiga hal yang harus menjadi fokus perhatian pemerintah untuk keluar dari jebakan melambatnya laju penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin dan mendorong percepatan pengentasan kemiskinan ke depannya.
Pertama, pembangunan sektor pertanian-perdesaan yang tangguh, yang tidak hanya difokuskan pada upaya menggenjot produksi pangan semata, tetapi juga pada pengembangan komoditas-komoditas pertanian bernilai jual tinggi dan berorientasi ekspor. Selaras dengan itu, distribusi penguasaan lahan juga harus diperbaiki, dan reforma agraria adalah solusinya.
Kedua, pengembangan sektor nonpertanian-perdesaan, khususnya sektor-sektor yang memiliki kaitan (linkage) ekonomi yang kuat dengan sektor pertanian, misalnya, industri yang dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah komoditas pertanian yang dihasilkan petani (agribisnis). Pengembangan sektor nonpertanian-perdesaan akan memberikan peluang-peluang ekonomi baru bagi penduduk miskin perdesaan sehingga tidak hanya bergantung pada ekonomi usaha tani. Ketiga, pembangunan infrastruktur wilayah perdesaan untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan kapabilitas penduduk miskin perdesaan.
Dengan mewujudkan ketiga hal tersebut, terget untuk menurunkan persentase penduduk miskin hingga di bawah 10 persen nampaknya adalah hal yang tidak terlalu sulit untuk dicapai. (*)